get out on the water and explore

Black Hall Outfitters - Canoe & kayak rental service Old Lyme Rent as late in the year as you like. (13 min drive from The James) Action Sports Canoe & Kayak rental service Old Saybrook Rent until mid September. (6 min drive from The James) Cove Landing Marine Old Lyme Canoe & kayak rental service Lyme Rent until mid October, weather permitting (15 min. drive from The James)

a real treasure

5 minute walk from the James

The Kate averages 20 performances a month of everything from ballet to magic, music to dance. Along with its live performances, the Kate has 3 satellite dishes and shows simulcasts from the National Theatre of London, the Metropolitan Opera, and the Bolshoi Ballet of Russia. Find out what is happening at The Kate here.

Kick back & relax

Passengers on the Becky Thatcher riverboat cruise through the serenity of the Connecticut River valley, with all its deep water, coves, inlets, marshes, wildlife, and rocky shoreline on display. Tip: if you want to see fall foliage, wait until October, when the leaves usually change in this part of the CT River Valley.

Essex Riverboat Essex (11 min. drive from The James)

Music on the Town Green

Enjoy live music on the Town Green on Wednesdays night starting at 6:30pm and then on 5 Friday nights starting at 7:00pm.

5 min. walk from the James
More info here.

summer Connecticut shoreline = lobster roll

Here’s where to get yours.

The home of American Impressionism

The Florence Griswold Museum is centered on the home of Florence Griswold, which was the center of the Old Lyme Art Colony, a main nexus of American Impressionism. The Museum is noted for its collection of American Impressionist paintings. More info here.

96 Lyme St, Old Lyme

sights & sounds you’ll remember

The steam locomotive pulls vintage coaches through the quintessential New England towns of Deep River and Chester. Tip: if you want to see fall foliage, wait until October, when the leaves usually change in this part of the CT River Valley.

Essex Steam Train Essex (11 min. drive from The James)

Movie nights on the town green

5 min. walk from the James

More info / register here.